Feedback / Compliments / Suggestions / Complaints

We would love to hear from you.

We continually assess the quality care we provide so you can be sure our services are of the highest standard. We value your feedback to help improve our services.

Please tell us if our team are doing a good job. Equally please let us know if you are unhappy with our service. We take your concerns, suggestions, and complaints seriously and use feedback to grow and improve.

Ways to make a complaint:

  • In-person – It is best to discuss with the person who provided the service as soon as possible.
  • In person – Speak to the Practice/Complaints Manager.
  • Send an email using the form below, or email
  • You can arrange a phone call also.

What happens next?

We will acknowledge the complaint within 5 working days.

We will investigate the complaint and reply back to you within 10 working days, if more time needed, we will inform you with the timeframe needed.

Send us your feedback

You can also discuss this with a friend or find an advocate – or Freephone 0800 555 050 ( an advocate can assist you with lodging a complaint directly with the Practice/Complaints Manager if this is easier for you.

You can also contact The Health & Disability Commissioner –